Alexander Beaver - Software and backend developer
I am a computer engineer hoping to graduate in December 2019. In my spare time, I like to play video games, write stories, and program small side projects.
John Ryan Bush - Zigbee Expert/Server-to-Light developer
Ryan is a Senior in Electrical Engineering graduating in December of 2019 with a focus Electromagnetism. Born and raised in a suburb of Chicago called Crystal Lake, IL. Hobbies include lifting weights, yoga, reading, socializing with friends, and going on adventures.
Aaron Ramsey - Arduino Expert/Relay-to-Server developer
Aaron is a senior in electrical engineering who plans to graduate in December of 2019. His main interest lie in embedded system design and RF circuit design. During his time at Iowa State he has worked extensively with the Solar Car club to develop embedded hardware. His main hobbies are reading books, and socializing with friends.
Logan Zasada - RF Expert/Server-to-Light Developer
An electrical engineering student planning to graduate in December 2019. Interested in embedded systems, hardware, and VLSI. From Dubuque, IA. Hobbies include modding and playing video games, playing airsoft(sport similar to paintball), and playing board games with friends.